Wednesday, February 29, 2012

stop it.

Gillian Zinser. Isn't She awesome! Love this shoot, and had to share!  xx

Source- Gillian Zinser Facebook Page

Sunday, February 26, 2012

s u n d a y

My plans for today quickly came to a halt when I opened my blind this morning to see that the sun was hidden behind clouds. So, instead of venturing to camp cove to spend a day at the beach, I made myself breakfast, had my usual black coffee and then starting moving furniture in the lounge room. Saturday my hub and I bought some new paint brushes, canvases and water based colours.

I had seen a post on tumblr of this statement and wanted it for our I set him that task while I opted for something a little more eccentric. In the end it turned out to be a wonderful day with my sister and bro in law coming over for a healthy lunch of hot chips and gravy and a little play with my Praktica film camera.

Now that I don't work Sunday's ... it may very well be my new fav day of the week.


Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Saturday Night In... ...

Sappy Rom-Com- check! Ben and Jerry's choc chip cookie dough ice cream- check! Some sort of relaxing herbal tea (in my case green) - check! Feet up- check! Husband cuddled up next to me- check!!
Perfect night in. Haven't had one of these in a while....

Source- Pinkhorrorshow + what-do-i-wear etc

Monday, February 20, 2012

Today you are you...

How amazing is Alexander Wang's little niece. She would definitely be the coolest kid at pre school rocking her custom made mini rocco duffle Wang.

Source- OnTheRacks Fbook Pg + Fallen Hearts + Fashion Wolf + Google images